The Bates Family
Allen, Leah, Brookelyn, & Braedyn

Monday, August 27, 2012

Braedyn's First Day of Pre-K4

Little man started Pre-K4 this morning! He had a great Open House last Friday, so he was super excited to go back today.  Here he is in front of school:

 Immediately after that picture, he decided that I was totally embarrassing him, and he didn't want ANYONE to see him getting his picture taken.  So that handsome little smile turned to this:

Yep, at only four he has already decided I am embarrassing.  So, I had to threaten and insist and bribe before I got this picture:

And, then I snuck this picture as he walked down the hall to his classroom.
I hope he has an amazing day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Chore Chart

Every once in a blue moon, the stars align and things actually work out as planned.  Such is the Chore Chart! (I found a similar idea on Pinterest and adapted it for the kiddos.)

Here is our Chore Chart:
The basic premise is that on Sunday each child picks four chores out of the little chore holder.  Then they clip each chore onto their clothespins until it has been completed and checked by Mommy.  Once checked off, they can put the chore back into the holder.  They have until 5:00 on Sunday evening to compete all four of their chores. (The chart hangs on the wall in the kitchen-at kid height-where they can at any time check the chores they have left to do.) If they complete them all, they earn a dollar.  If at the end of four weeks they have four dollars (ie they have done all their chores for four weeks), they earn a special date night! Here is a list of the chores I have for them to pick from (they choose with their eyes closed):
1. Clean kitchen appliances (with stainless cleaner)
2. Vacuum couch and rug
3. Clean downstairs toilets (Yes--they FIGHT to do this. They just use a disposable toilet brush to clean the inside of the bowl.)
4. Windex front and back door windows
5. Dust house
6. Kid's choice (they get to pick whatever they want--with my approval)
7. Put away laundry
8. Clean playroom
9. Empty all trash out of the car
10. Mom's choice
11. Put away silverware
12. Pick up and put away 10 items
13. Mop bathrooms (of course I supervise)
14. Clean upstairs toilets (see #3 above)

And can I tell you how NICE it has been! There are scenes like this around the house:
Yes, this is Braedyn cleaning the front door windows! And, he LOVES it!  Braedyn is actually the one who ENJOYS his chores.  He has finished them before Brookelyn each week, and will come up to me and ask, "Which of my chores can I do by myself, Mommy?" Music to my ears!!

I. Love. The. Chore. Chart.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Our Deck is DONE!!

After a little over eight weeks and too many interruptions to name (including stitches, mysterious moles, temperatures that felt like I was staining on the face of the sun, and both kids being out for the summer) our deck is DONE! I feel like a little ray of light from the Heavens is shining down on me as I type that last sentence.  It was SUCH an undertaking, and I wholeheartedly blame Pinterest for giving me the idea to stain it the colors we chose.  White stain, while it claims to be opaque is not.  It took between four and six coats on all the white railings.  The grey was much better, only taking two really thick coats.  However, the cut in work took FOREVER! Not to mention before I could even begin staining, I spent a week power-washing all the old stain off--it felt like I had a pencil and was trying to erase the stain off one little line at a time.  Then, I power washed all the furniture and rugs, and spray painted all the wicker furniture to "freshen" it up and make the two brown chairs we had match the rest of the black furniture. And, as a surprise to Allen, I added the Razorback on the deck and two little ones on the stepping stones.  :) We are SUPER pleased with the outcome, and cannot wait to enjoy it this fall!

Here is a before shot of the main deck area:

And here are a couple after shots of the main area from different angles (I rearranged the furniture and we really need a third rug):

This is the before of the area leading to the stairs:

Here is the after (including our little Razorback):

 And, down the stairs:

Here is from the backyard looking up at the deck before:
 And, after:

This is from the other side of the yard before (notice where two years ago we started staining and the gave up on the project because it was taking too long):

 And, after:

This is from across the entire back:

What an UNDERTAKING, and I know I moaned and complained most of the time.  But, I am so proud of the end result.  And, would you believe I already showed Allen my next idea I found on Pinterest? (No, I'm not kidding!)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Brookelyn's "Roowoll Chart"

When I went to Brookelyn's room last night to tuck her in, I found her asleep in her bed and several signs posted on her walls.  One was this "Roowoll Chart" aka Rule Chart. It is seriously the cutest thing   she has written so far!
Let me translate for those who don't read "First Grade Brookelyn Language":
Rule Chart
Do not touch people that are sick.
Take turns! Do not step in front of others.
Do not say she or he cut in front of me.
Do not tattle.
Do not say potty words to others.
Make good choices and you will succeed.

I have to say my favorite word is "sick seed".  It makes me giggle every time I read it.

Brookelyn's First Day of First Grade!

So hard to believe that Brookelyn started FIRST GRADE! She really wanted to just skip the summer and start First Grade as soon as Kindergarten was over, so she has been anticipating this day for quite some time.

Notice the lipgloss she stole from my bathroom? She is six and it is starting already!!

We made her shirt a couple of weeks ago, and she couldn't wait to wear it! She also made her hair bow
to match! 

 And, here she is walking down toward the school.  She is getting so tall!

And across the street into the school!

We were allowed one, quick picture of her at her table--we didn't want to be too embarrassing!

Her first day went great and she loves her teacher, Mrs. Smith.  I can't wait to watch her learn and grow this year!!

Summer: Week 5

I don't know how summer flew by so quickly! With the year round schedule Brookelyn only has a few weeks off for the summer, but I just knew we would have time for so much more!

Monday we hit up Taco Bueno--the kids FAVORITE place to eat. Braedyn was obviously in a mood.  It is really tough being a four year old little boy.

Tuesday I lost my mind and agreed to let the kids get a fish.  His name is Six (named by Brookelyn since she just turned six.)

Wednesday we decided to try the tie-dye kit Brookelyn got for her birthday.  They had a BLAST, but I will warn you it is SO MESSY and it stains whatever it touches FOREVER! Thus, the reason they are tie-dying outside in their underwear!  I know I am only supposed to include one picture but I couldn't choose!

Thursday was "Girls' Day" since it was really one of my last days to have Brookelyn while Braedyn was at school.  We rented a Barbie movie and I made Brookelyn her favorite lunch--mac -n cheese.  We ate "picnic style" and watched the movie together.

Friday we rinsed out the t-shirts and washed them.  Look how GREAT they turned out!! I was very impressed with the kiddos' craftiness!

And, surprise! They did their undies too! They thought this was totally hilarious!
Such a fun sumer week!