The Bates Family
Allen, Leah, Brookelyn, & Braedyn

Friday, May 24, 2013

Braxtyn's First Month

It is hard to believe that Braxtyn is already 4 weeks old, yet at the same time I am not sure any of us remember life before him.  He fits in just perfectly!

Look at this SWEET face! Don't you just want to kiss those little lips?!

He loves to sleep with his arms above his head when at all possible.  And, check out that awesome shirt:

At night sometimes the kids come and lay down while I nurse Braxtyn.  Most of the time they fall asleep before I finish, so this is my view:
 Isn't that sweet!? I love that they want to be with their little brother as much as possible!

Here they are as proud as can be:

This time around we have been determined that Braxtyn will take a bottle (the other two wanted NOTHING to do with it).  Braxtyn is a champ! He is great at sucking it right down!

Such a sweet, sleeping little peanut!

This is Braxtyn's first bath in the sink.  He LOVED being submerged in the warm water and seemed happy enough to stay in there all evening if we would have let him!
Braxtyn, this first month has been amazing, exhausting, and full of lots of learning. Your brother and sister want to hold you all the time and are great helps! You love to look at them as they sing to you and show you all your toys.  You especially like it when they help you put your paci back in your mouth! Pretty much every two hours you are ready to eat, and you are a great eater! Sleeping is a work in progress.  Some nights you go two hours and others you give Mommy a treat and sleep for a three hour stretch.  This morning you smiled for the first time (except for in your sleep which doesn't count) when Daddy told you good morning.  It was so sweet! We love you little man!

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