The Bates Family
Allen, Leah, Brookelyn, & Braedyn

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tough Guy

My little man took quite a spill on his balance bike the other night. Uncle David and Emily were over, and we were all talking in the driveway when Braedyn went headfirst into the concrete! Thank GOODNESS he was wearing his helmet! You can see his lip and face got all scratched up (the big bruise on his head was from the night before)!
The next day (and for a few days after) he could only eat ice cream because his little mouth was so sore.
And, here he is a few days later. It seemed like everywhere we went people would ask what happened--I would've too. He looked just terrible!
And, then...his front tooth started turning grey! Uncle Travis (Braedyn's Godfather), an oral surgeon, explained that his tooth was dying (oh joy) and might just turn darker and darker and stay in place or might fall out.
Here is his tooth as of last night (and those are bubbles on in chin--he was in the bathtub):
Dear tooth, please stay in place until we have our Christmas pictures taken, as I think photo-shopping a dark tooth is much easier than adding one in! Allen thinks he looks tough now. I'm not convinced.

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