The Bates Family
Allen, Leah, Brookelyn, & Braedyn

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Braxtyn Arrives!

At 37 weeks and 3 days, our little surprise miracle was scheduled to arrive by c-section.  It was still hard for Allen and I to believe we were actually going to have a baby!
Right before Mommy and Daddy headed to the hospital--the kiddos have worms in their hands because it had rained and they were "saving them" from the driveway. 
Mommy got all hooked up and ready. 
The c-section was scheduled for 11:00, but everyone was ready early, so they moved it up to 10:00! Daddy had to get ready really quickly.  Check out his super cool scrubs:

It wasn't long before they called us back, had Mommy all prepped for surgery, and then let Daddy into the operating room to sit right next to Mommy's head.  The nurse told Daddy to get his camera ready, and at 10:12 am Braxtyn Eric Bates made his big debut!

He was a big boy weighing in at 8lbs 1oz even though he was almost three weeks early!

Then, Mommy got to see him for the first time...

and steal the first of many, many kisses!

Daddy went back to the nursery with Braxtyn while the doctors finished working on Mommy.

The nurses gave him a good bath.
Then he got to take a quick little nap!

Mommy had to wait in recovery until they brought Braxtyn back for her to finally hold.
Braxtyn had some very important people waiting to see him once we were released from the recovery room...Brookelyn and Braedyn! 

First peek at their new brother.

Such a PROUD big sister!
Sweet brothers!
There were more important people who stopped by to meet the little guy! 
Uncle David
Aunt Emily
Even The CANcer Ninja stopped by!
The littlest member of Team ALL-EN wearing his bracelet!

Daddy was such a natural, burping him and changing his first diaper!

After two days in the hospital, it was time to head home!

We were so lucky to have Honey "on call" for two weeks to help us manage the chaos!  Braxtyn loved snuggling up to her!

And, Sashi flew in to meet Braxtyn too!

About nine months ago we thought we were given the shock of our lives when we found out we were pregnant with baby number three.  A couple of weeks later we were shocked yet again to find out Allen had CANcer.  Juggling everything that comes along with pregnancy AND trying to navigate the unknown territory of CANcer has not been easy... but with Allen in remission and the arrival of Braxtyn, we are reminded how blessed we really are!

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