Now, I knew (from our previous experience) that it would not be pleasant to take both kids and Pebbles to the vet, but I did not prepare myself for exactly how UNpleasant it was going to be! Things started out okay. Both kids in the stroller (which is way too big for a vet's waiting room) and Pebbles on her leash:

But man did we go downhill fast! Of course Brookelyn wanted out because the (little white lie) story I had made up about the vet making all little girls sit in their strollers was busted when she saw two other little girls running around like wild banshees in the waiting room. And, like any dog would, Pebbles wanted to sniff any object that smelled or looked like a butt (and there were plenty of those too)! Then we shifted in to high speed slolam downhill when Brookelyn loudly announced, "I need to go PEEEEE-PEEEEE!" So off we went (yes Pebbles too) to the teeney tiny potty. I was over Brookelyn sitting on the filthy potty because a multi-tasking mommy can only do so much (and holding onto Pebbles' leash while holding onto Brookelyn's arm while pleading with Braedyn to hold on another minute is about all I can handle) but when Pebbles twisted so that her collar popped off and somehow managed to sling itself into the space behind Brookelyn's hiney and fall into the now full of pee-pee toilet I almost gave up. But like a good mommy (and trust me I use the word "good" very loosely), I wiped Brookelyn, dug the wet collar out of the toilet, pooped it back on Pebbles, and walked back into the waiting room like all was well.
Finally the vet saw us and we learned that poor Pebs is almost all the way blind in her right eye and losing vision in her left due to cataracts and that she had little stones in her urine sample (which is a whole other story; I actually followed her around outside this morning and caught it in a Tupperware container--a really fun way to start your day). So the vet needed to do X-rays to see if Pebs had more stones inside. During this exchange the vet remarked how brave (I think she actually meant incredibly stupid) I was to bring two kids with me, and then suggested I leave Pebs and come back when the X-rays were done. So, off we went to the Golden Arches for some playtime for Brookelyn and a little snack for Braedyn.
When we got back to the vet, this was waiting for us:
The little red circle towards the right of the pictures shows three large stones and the many smaller stones can only be seen if you are right up close. Of course, in true Brookelyn form, she had to announce during the doctors explanation, "I need to POOPOO!" I tried to bribe her first with a hersey kiss, but while it worked for maybe 10 seconds, I had to give in when she proceeded to to put her hands down her pants and start bouncing. After excusing ourselves, Brookelyn doing her buisness, and listening to the rest of our plan of action for Pebbles (which thank goodness does not include surgery, but instead a special food which should dissolve the stones) we went out to the reception to pay and get our "goodies". At this time, Brookelyn decided to rub herself ALL OVER the floor, benches, tables, and any other surface that looked super doggy dirty. Finally, we paid and left.
As soon as we got home Brookelyn and I bathed Pebbles (Braedyn was asleep in the car--I had the back door open) and then I bathed both Brookelyn and Braedyn (of course he didn't sleep more than 7 minutes). I am hoping nap time will come sooner rather than later. This much drama is NOT normal!!
1 comment:
Too funny! I (and Cody when I read it to him) laughed all the way through. The leash in the toilet was the best! You have the multi-tasking down. :)
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